Wednesday 2 June 2010

I think I need to see a therapist

For the first time in ages I managed to sleep last night, but then I had this really odd dream where a woman was moving random prams with babies in them in a shop. Whenever I looked over at her, she would see me looking and let go of the pram and escape from my sight. Then I saw her run out the door and down the escalator of the shopping mall. She then took a syringe out and started stabbing random mothers who were pushing their prams with it. I yelled at her, and she ran out of the mall, into some dark, dirty, deserted room. She screeches at me "I just want a fucking baby".... "you know how long I've wanted one?".... "you know what I've done and had done to me so I could have one?" ...

And then I had another dream in the same sleep where I was waiting for a lift in a shopping mall again but I saw some dodgy people coming down so I decided to go up the stairs (you know the ones that are grey and dark and smell of piss) and suddenly on the second floor this lovely-looking lady pops out and says something to me, persuading me to go a certain way, and I see some other people go that way, but I refuse, and in a sort of panic, leg it up to the next floor where two scruffy-looking men try to do the same. Again I politely refuse, and follow some other people who were going towards the next floor. And that was it.

Seriously, what could a therapist possibly say to that? Am I some sort of insane psychopath?

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