Sunday 27 June 2010

Hell yes

The artwork below by the magical Ugo Rondinone completely sums up how I'm feeling right now. Exams are over at last! Saw all my friends today and had a bit to drink with my good friend John, life's good! And I'm extremely busy next week aswell, plus Hop Farm! WOOO!

Just watched Snoop Dogg's Glastonbury performance (happy 40th anniversary to Glasto btw). That man is extraordinary!

Monday 21 June 2010

Friday 18 June 2010

Two exams left

Ahh yaaay!! This summer I think I'm going to go completely out of my brain bonkers and watch all three Godfather films in one go. It has been too long since I have seen AlPac's beautiful face!

Wednesday 2 June 2010

Nevermind the bullshit, we are killing the world

This morning I was reading a newspaper and found that BP still hasn't found a successful way of fixing their oil spill problem, which has so far killed 11 rig workers when the Deepwater Horizon exploded and sank about a month and a half ago. It seems that their last attempt at fixing the problem didn't work. Furthermore, it is estimated that at least 20 million gallons have now spilled into the Gulf of Mexico.
The White House has stated that the leak will probably continue until August, unless they find a way to stop it. Think about it - if 20 mil. gallons has been spilled in a month and a half, and August is another two months away, by then a total of around 60 MILLION GALLONS+ will be leaked into the gulf. I actually think it would have been better if we hadn't evolved from the apes at all.
And tropical storm season is on its way. This means that Louisiana will have to face a series of hurricanes, which form when the temperature of the seawater is above 27C, causing quick evaporation over the sea, creating the coriolis (spiral) force of a storm. But if the sea is covered in layers of thick oil, what will happen? Something tells me they will be more disastrous than David Cameron being voted PM...
On the next page of the newspaper there was a larger article extensively analysing the reasons why Cheryl Cole decided to split with her husband.


Michael Moore is a genius

Recently watched his film-doc, Capitalism: A Love Story for the fourth time, I previously watched it in my economics lessons.
Not only is this guy very brave and incredibly intelligent, he is also witty, controversial, and entertaining, presenting his anti-conformist ideas about the ethics and ideology of captialism in a light-hearted but somehow evoking way.
The world needs more Americans like him. We will sacrifice Kesha (and no, I will not put a stupid dollar sign in her name).


Christina Aguilera's whole album, titled Bionic, was leaked onto youtube a while ago and after a few listens I actually really like it. Apparently she's been planning this "new direction" since 2004 and has employed artists such as LeTigre, Sia, Santigold and even the legendary Peaches on some of the tracks.
The first thing that comes to mind is that despite the similar theme this album is nothing like anything of Lady Gaga's albums, except perhaps the futuristic-electronic-dance concept. Aguilera's still belting and very little auto-tune is used on the tracks. The lyrics, as they always have been in her songs, are very provocative and straightforward.
The second thing is how overly-sexual her new image is. I don't remember Gaga wearing black shiny jeweled skin-tight dominatrix-style latex or actually going borderline-pornographic. I think what Aguilera is doing is actually more reminiscent of Madonna's Human Nature than anything Gaga's done. Just my opinion, though, and I love them both.
The cover artwork, by graffiti artist De-Face, is also excellent!
One of my favourites off the album has to be "Woo Hoo" featuring one of the best new artists around, Nicki Minaj. Reminds me of "Can't Hold Us Down"...

On a lighter note, this ad is hilarious

I think I need to see a therapist

For the first time in ages I managed to sleep last night, but then I had this really odd dream where a woman was moving random prams with babies in them in a shop. Whenever I looked over at her, she would see me looking and let go of the pram and escape from my sight. Then I saw her run out the door and down the escalator of the shopping mall. She then took a syringe out and started stabbing random mothers who were pushing their prams with it. I yelled at her, and she ran out of the mall, into some dark, dirty, deserted room. She screeches at me "I just want a fucking baby".... "you know how long I've wanted one?".... "you know what I've done and had done to me so I could have one?" ...

And then I had another dream in the same sleep where I was waiting for a lift in a shopping mall again but I saw some dodgy people coming down so I decided to go up the stairs (you know the ones that are grey and dark and smell of piss) and suddenly on the second floor this lovely-looking lady pops out and says something to me, persuading me to go a certain way, and I see some other people go that way, but I refuse, and in a sort of panic, leg it up to the next floor where two scruffy-looking men try to do the same. Again I politely refuse, and follow some other people who were going towards the next floor. And that was it.

Seriously, what could a therapist possibly say to that? Am I some sort of insane psychopath?

Tuesday 1 June 2010


So my first real post has to be about the beatiful Louise Bourgeois, one of my favourite sculptors, who passed just yesterday. This woman has helped shape and define my taste for art and has inspired many of today's 'confessional artists' such as Hirst and Emin.
I remember seeing a photograph of the 35-ft tall spider which was displayed in the Tate Modern in 2000, and trying to understand what Bourgeois was trying to say. This massive creature, maman (mother in French) towers over people walking by, its spindling legs piercing the ground. Its title suggests that the mother is dictating, frightening, overpowering and controlling. She also seems sinister - those jagged and twisted legs extend from a black cocoon, woven with evil and death, and ready to torture.
But I love spiders. Of this piece, Bourgeois said "Spiders are friendly presences... spiders are helpful and protective, just like my mother." And just like that, the spider takes on a new meaning - it is guarding, wise, motherly.
I don't think there has been an artist so honest and yet so powerful in the way that she forces such an uncomfortable degree of emotional involvement from viewer.
Rest in peace.